Expert Review

Expert advice can’t be trusted if you consult the wrong expert. Get it right with Journal Lab.

Who needs Expert Review?

  • First-time authors who find it difficult to gauge the level of their research
  • Authors who have faced multiple rejections and would like to upgrade their research with a clear and fresh direction
  • Authors who need expert advice on their methodology and the organization of their results, discussion, or other parts of their paper

Who are Journal Lab’s expert reviewers?

  • Those who are actively working as reviewers in various journals.
  • Those who have proven their research experience and knowledge in the field with actual research published in international journals

How does the Expert Review process go?

Step 1: Accurate evaluation through a systematic review

When reviewers of journals evaluate manuscripts, experts accurately assess and diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript based on the most frequently used key questions.

Step 2: Detailed, solution-oriented feedback

Our expert reviewers leave comments on specific parts of the paper so that authors would easily know what to do and where to do it. Each comment provides a clear justification and solution backed up by evidence and references.

Step 3: Clear expert advice summary with our Expert Reviewer Report

To outline and sum up the comments left on specific sections of your paper and provide the key takeaways of the review process, we provide the Expert Reviewer Report, wherein the strengths and weaknesses of your paper are highlighted, explained, and supplemented. This serves as a quick, easy-to-understand reference for authors.

Step 4: Constructive, objective, and practical evaluation

Through the process of objectively evaluating a manuscript based on data and evidence and diagnosing it technically, it’s possible to firmly establish the basis of the paper so it won’t be influenced by the reviewer’s subjective judgment or inclination.

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